7 Security Tips You Should Know Before Visiting Paris

Paris is the capital of France. Since year 2000, the city has been recording an average of 30 million foreign visitors yearly. Paris has some of the world's largest and mind blowing monuments, museums and architecture.
Edifices like the Eiffel Tower constructed in 1889 for the famous Universal Exposition and the Arc de Triomphe monument at the center of the 'Place de l'Etoile commemorating the victories of France are great sight to behold.
Statistically, Paris is a friendly society but crime targetted at tourist is very prevalent in this beautiful city.
Below are 7 security tips to adhere to if you want to make your Paris trip memorable.
1. Pickpocketing is the most prevalent crime targetted at tourist. You should always be vigilant with your affairs. Never try to buy anything from anybody you see on the street as well as train stations, airport, metro stations and any other popular tourist sites. Its not necessary to bring your passport or other items of value along with you into the street of Paris. Just a photocopy of the key pages of your passport will do.
2. Beware of ATM / cashpoint scam; these spots are the favourite for scammers and pick pockets. Please for your safety do not offer help to anyone who wishes to learn to use the machine or who engage you in conversation while you are entering your pin code. Type your code in total privacy and tell anyone leaning or lingering around you to back off! or else once you type in your code these crooks will shove you away and hit the button with the heighest amount and disappear.
3. Sexual orientation is very much an issue. Even though President Francois Hollande announced a proposed legislation opening marriage and adoption right to same sex couples; from my research i would advise same sex couples (#Gay, #Lesbians or #transgenders) to avoid public display of affection at night especially in the following areas Les Halles, Chatelet, Gare de Nord, Stalingrad Jaures, Belleville and the city's northern and eastern borders.
4. Don't smile at people; though french people are known for giving visitors warm reception, but smile or prolonged eye contact with strangers should be avoid because in Paris its usually interpreted as an invitation to make Sexual advances. #FrenchLove #FrenchKiss
5. The Children's dubious petition scam: All over France and especially Paris, you will see a team of young girls and boys with clipboards scrapping and following you around to signup and donate for charity. Please know it that these children are not for any genuine course rather their only aim is to collect money from you to fund illegal organisations and other underground network. If you see these team of Children following you, just pretend that you don't speak english or better still wave them away and keep walking.
6. Aggresive driving culture: visitors to Paris should extremely careful while crossing streets and busy intersections. Drivers in Paris are very aggresive on steering wheels that's why they frequently break traffick laws. Even when the pedestrian light is green, take extra caution before crossing over.
7. Golden ring scam: This is a very common ruse in Paris. Someone walking in front of you will find a gold ring on the ground and pick it up with surprise looks on his or her face. They will show it to you and ask if its yours. Then after marvelling at what they found, they will offer to let you buy it from them for great price. The truth is the ring isn't a gold ring but a polished yellow brass that was planted by the same scammer that is trying to sell it to you. #GoldRingScam
PS: Please take note of these Paris emergency numbers; you can dial these toll free numbers from any phone including pay phones.
Medical emergency: Dial 15.
Fire brigade: Dial 18.
Police: Dial 17.
Drug info services: 0800231313.
AIDS/HIV info: Dial 0800840800.
Visa assistance Services: Chat with facebook. #Nigeria #TravelAgent
With all these information your trip to Paris would be wonderful.
Have great fun.
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